Tuesday, July 6, 2010

The Fourth

I love the 4th of July! I have such good memories of this holiday from growing up. At our old house on French street, the whole block would get together for a block party. Kids would ride ride their bikes, run back and forth between homes, and those were the days of using sparklers! Moving to the Rivertrail house brought even more memories. The day would be spent at the pool and playing outside. My sisters and I would help my mom in the kitchen making dessert and preparing dinner. We would sit on the back patio, shucking fresh green beans, chatting away while my dad was grilling on the bbq. The 4th of July truly is the " All American" family day with those wonderful summer nights. Every year, for as long as I can remember, my mom makes the same dessert and I anticipate it all year. After whipping up a delicious batch of brownies, the fun begins! She would set up a station on the counter and Trav soon learned what a treat it was. He quickly was the first to get in line. After putting the brownie in her holiday blue bowls, we would load up with ice cream, strawberries, blueberries, cool whip, nuts, chocolate sauce, and you can't forget her lil flag candy toppings to polish it off!

On top of the dessert, Trav and I soon started our own traditions when we were dating. We started going to Peralta Park for their firework show. We always went early because we loved the atmosphere and would talk about one day taking our kids. The park fills up with families. Kids are running around playing frisbee, tag, soccer, football, you name it. There are booths selling snow cones, hot dogs, and other typical 4th food. Than, everyone finds their spot on the field and waits for the show. It's actually really good....and not cheesy!

This year, the 4th started out a lil rocky. The day before I had to say goodbye to my dad. It was a total killer. And on Monday, I said goodbye to my Millie girl. Leaving AZ this time was harder than I could have imagined because this time, I was leaving so many people I hold close to my heart. I would be coming home to a place where I could no longer drive 10 minutes to see my parents or know that I have them nearby. My morning was bittersweet as I listened to my sister and her girls plan their 4th of July activities for my parents coming over. We did however eat 4th of July waffles which were wonderful! Trav surprised me at the airport...I thought he was working! He is pretty sweet and knows exactly when I'm sad and I don't even have to say it. Sometimes silence is best. I was pretty teary eyed on the way home and he just sat and held my hand which is just what I needed. I wanted to crawl into bed so I could wake up and have everything be fine, but of course that is not the way to cope with things. Trav's parents were having a bbq that afternoon. I'm very thankful they are close by.....and that we have nephews here too! It makes holidays that much better! The ache I felt inside was soon soothed when we walked in the door to see Huddy's smiling face saying, " Ehhhmmmmmaaahhh!" Have I mentioned it totally melts my heart to hear him say my name?! Van man soon showed us how brave he is now that he swims without a life jacket! What a stud! While the tears were still a breath away, it was great having the Hardeman clan together to celebrate. Katie brought dessert and it made me so happy because it was close to my mom's! It was delicious...angel food cake, berries, cool whip, and ice cream. Yum!!

You can't have 4th of July without fireworks and since Peralta had already done their show, we found that Fullerton High did one right by our house. Van man took a good nap so he would be able to go! Heidi and Dan came by and we walked on over. Ok, I should say trecked on over! After getting to the school we realized we had come in from the wrong side. Oops! So, we climbed though bushes, trees, and along side a hill to get to our spot! It was fun and the fireworks were awesome as usual. The best part was hearing Vans comments about each one and seeing his excitement!

Hope you all had a wonderful 4th of July and enjoyed time with family!

                                                                     Yum! Flag Waffles!
                                                                   Tessa loved her waffle!!!!
                                                                 Waiting for fireworks!
                                                                         Funny face!


  1. Your family is so cute! I can feel your pain about living in a different state from the parents. I HATE- let me reiterate- HATE living away from my mom and dad!!!! You are a strong woman and God is going to continue to bless your family big time! Glad you are back to blogging! :)

  2. That was so cute of Trav to pick you up at the airport! What a great hubby :)

  3. One year we will be in those seats:)
